Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Shave Ice...SO ONO!

I had to do a post on Shave Ice or as we Hilo people call it "Ice Shave". It's the same thing if you ask me. This is one of our MUST GET when we are home. If you have time and your in Oahu stop in at Waiola's Bakery and Shave Ice. Proclaimed as Hawai'i's finest they offer over 35 flavors. Pretty much what ever your heart desires you can get. Such as li hing powder, mochi balls, ung bean, ice cream and condensed milk. mmmmm my mouth is watering already. The machine they have kicks ASS....it shaves the ice so fine that it literally melts in your mouth (not in your hands)....Check them out on 525 Kapahulu ave. Honolulu, Hi.
CAUTION: We must warn you....You may become addicted to this specialty and decide to have it for breakfast like our friend Coleen.

As Always, Peace and Okole Maluna! LeiJD