Yes!!! It is that time of year. Can't you smell the anticipation? Incase you are not familiar with the Na Hoku Hanohano Awards it is an honor just to be nominated. For a Hawaiian musician it would compare to the Grammy's of the Islands. I am excited to say that our TALENTED friend Napua Greig *a.k.a* Jaye Nakasone has been nominated not once, not twice, but a butt full of times. Female Vocalist, Song of the year, and Album of the year just to name a few categories. Public voting has already started at statewide Borders Books & Music and Borders Express stores to decide the winner of the FAVORITE ENTERTAINER of The YEAR category.SO, Get out and Vote for Pihana/Napua Greig!!!
The Happening.
Came across this cool poster. Just one more movie to add on my list to see.
3G iPhone
Rumors are flying about the 3G iPhone. Word on the net is June 9th will be the release day. And this time around Other countries will not have to wait so long to get their sticky fingers on it. When the 3G iPhone is introduced this summer, At&T, the exclusive U.S. iPhone sales partner with Apple, will cut the price by as much $200, according to a person familiar with the strategy. AT&T is preparing to subsidize $200 of the cost of a new iPhone, bring the price down $199 for customers who sign two-year contracts, the source says. Apple is expected to have two versions of the new iPhone, an 8 GB and 16 GB model with price tags widely expected to be $399 and $499. A few details about the new iPhone have been confirmed by the source. The iPhone will be 2.5 mm thinner then 11.7 mm original. The iPhone will also have a GPS chip for navigation and other location-based services.