Monday, July 30, 2007

Pihana By Napua Greig

The long awaited CD is finally here.....My dear friend Napua Greig (or as i like to call her Jaye)
has worked long and hard on this project. Pihana meaning fullfilled represents all of her accomplishments in her life. Most of the songs are written by Napua and also some of her friends. You will find traditional music as well as some contemporary on the CD. Look for it on and at Border Books and Music.

Congratulations Friend!!!

We Love you!

Lehua and JD

Igot the Fever for photos with the Iphone

So after recieving the greatest surprise Iphone!!! (thank you JD) These were the first pictures i took.
I had a trip to Kuwait city and the first shot was a painting in my hotel room. The second pic. was of Al Fouz specialty nuts. You can get the best Lemon Cashews from this place. (located in the airport). So basically i'm enjoying my new toy and all the gadgets it comes with.
Peace and O.M. LeiJD

Sunday, July 08, 2007

808 Keep those H's up.

Local Boy making his dent in the music scene. Check out his new video featuring the beautiful dancers from Halau O Ke Anuenue. Remember to keep your H's Up!

Always Okole Maluna and Peace! Lei JD

Friday, July 06, 2007

Airline Rules

Found this clever sign in Australia and I could not resist the photo op. You never know what new rules might pop up during your travels. Anyway to make your passengers smile :)

Peace and Okole Maluna! LeiJD

Kit Kat Mania

I love to see what kind of new Kit Kats different countries are selling. My latest finds are from Australia, and Japan. The exotic flavors are: caramel, cafe latte, mint chocolate, cantaloupe, chocolate overload, rasberry, and banana. I think my favorite flavor so far is the mint (boring-i know) but you can never go wrong with this mix. Next time your in a foreign country keep your eyes open. You never know what you might find.

Like always, Peace and Okole Maluna!