Friday, December 15, 2006


O.K. I know SO much friends that would love this thing......I can see all of them drunk and thinking they're rock stars *lOl*.... This new Ikaraoke is a all-in-one microphone/processor which isolates the lead vocal track, then it fades it allowing your voice room to sing to your fav. tunes. You can also plug it into your FM transmitter to play through your house or auto stereo. The mic allows you to control the music and volume. Runs about $ 49.99. Don't let your talent be hidden anymore!

Peace and Okole Maluna! LeiJD

Flight 001

If you need a cool gift then definately visit they have the neatest things for
travelers. You can find everything from shirts, jetfresh kits, travel games, name it they have it. This is one of my favorite stores and I promise you'll have no problem finding the right gift for you modern day traveler here.

They have stores in SFO, LAX, CHI, and JKF....

Always Peace! LeiJD

Holiday Tees

Anytime now.....Fitted will be dropping their Holiday Tee's...They all tie in with previous released hats. Great stocking stuffers! Go check them out....
We'll be home in a couple of days and I already know JD will be buying his own stocking stuffer!

Always Peace and O.M.! LeiJD

Friday, December 08, 2006

Janice Dickinson Twelve Days of Christmas

O.K. This is by far the cheesiest 12 days of Christmas i've seen yet....She's ruined the song and looks totally pathetic! Anyway, makes for a good laugh :) hah!

Peace and O.M.! LeiJD

Thinking of a new Tattoo?

Thinking of a new tattoo? Check out the new designs by Ami James from Miami Ink in collaboration with
Motorola. So far I've seen 4 designs....the one above, Cherry blossoms on blck and pink, and the skull and cross bones on pink. They haven't released prices yet, but T-Mobile is offering the pink w/ cherry blossoms
for $69.99 after the rebates. They are suppose to release the new phones right b-4 Christmas!

Peace and Okole maluna! LeiJD