Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This Bud's for you.

Can you believe what I found in Kuwait? It was non alcoholic beer; the flavors featured were regular, fruity and lime. It tasted kind of funky but it was fun to try. 
I recommend sticking to the real stuff.

As Always....
Okole Maluna! and Aloha

Just Scrap!

UFC 94 is this Saturday and we are excited to cheer on BJ Penn. I almost fell over when I got off the plane in Hilo and saw Penn at the gate waiting to board our aircraft. He was kind enough to sign an autograph and take this picture. 

We wish him luck in Vegas!


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ride the S.L.U.T.

Yes, can you believe the name?
Not sure what they were thinking, but it sure is an attention grabber. We found the shirt at Kapow Coffee shop on Harrison St. Even Robin Williams bought one!
Support your Mass Transit.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Solar Power

Is it true?  Thats what they're saying.  Apple has a patent on this too. I guess only time will tell.
More info to come.

Peace out!

Friday, May 23, 2008


Yes!!! It is that time of year.  Can't you smell the anticipation?  Incase you are not familiar with the Na Hoku Hanohano Awards it is an honor just to be nominated.  For a Hawaiian musician it would compare to the Grammy's of the Islands.  I am excited to say that our TALENTED friend Napua Greig *a.k.a* Jaye Nakasone has been nominated not once, not twice, but a butt full of times.  Female Vocalist, Song of the year, and Album of the year just to name a few categories.  Public voting has already started at statewide Borders Books & Music and Borders Express stores to decide the winner of the FAVORITE ENTERTAINER of The YEAR category.
SO, Get out and Vote for Pihana/Napua Greig!!!

The Happening.

Came across this cool poster.  Just one more movie to add on my list to see.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

3G iPhone

Rumors  are flying about the 3G iPhone. Word on the net is June 9th will be the release day. And this time around Other countries will not have to wait so long to get their sticky fingers on it.  When the 3G iPhone is introduced this summer, At&T, the exclusive U.S. iPhone sales partner with Apple, will cut the price by as much $200, according to a person familiar with the strategy.  AT&T is preparing to subsidize $200 of the cost of a new iPhone, bring the price down $199 for customers who sign two-year contracts, the source says.  Apple is expected to have two versions of the new iPhone, an 8 GB and 16 GB model with price tags widely expected to be $399 and $499.  A few details about the new iPhone have been confirmed by the source.  The iPhone will be 2.5 mm thinner then 11.7 mm original.  The iPhone will also have a GPS chip for navigation and other location-based services.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

iPod touch

O.K. I just went to the Apple website and caught up with all the 411 (info.) on this new amazing toy and it is pretty COOL! It has everything but a phone. The concept is wonderful- you get internet, music, a direct link to youtube and the best feature is a WiFi link to the iTunes store. For more information visit

Maybe you should start making your Christmas list early :)

Alway's Peace and O.M.


Saturday, September 01, 2007


Just a few random photo's from my trip to Thailand. These were taken in Pattaya.
1. Tina watched over me (creepy!)
2. After the bar at 2 in the morning you never know when you'll need to buy a stuff animal.
3. Just a few fried treats that you can purchase for pupu's.
4. This cool lady carries this around everywhere and it weighs about 50lbs.
(i know this because i tried to carry it)
Humidity was a killer, massages are cheap w/out the happy ending, and you can do great damage shopping! But it's worth it.


Yes, China has done it again, but better. The masters of the black market have created a very good look a like of the iPhone. They say that this has more features then the iPhone too. Such things as 6 speakers, and a change out battery. To read this facinated article p/up the latest copy of Pop Science or check out their web site. Looks cool :)

Always Peace and Okole Maluna! LeiJD